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You are ready to feel that Highest Self Energy. You are ready to step into that Highest Self Era. It is time to feel EMBODIED as her. Let this sound bath guide you home to that most true, real, highest, version of yourself.
Holistic Practices for Self-Care - (Worksheet)
I know I struggled when I began a self-love journey. I was depressed, and went to seek professional help (as I would recommend for anyone to do), but I needed MORE. Finding holistic healing practices helped kick-start a WHOLE journey for me. Here is a short list of the essentials.
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Self Love Journal
Get ready to fall in love with yourself again! This guided self-love journal will allow you to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Get ready to deepen your connection to yourself, to experience more compassion towards yourself. As you immerse yourself in these exercises, watch your love for yourself and others grow exponentially. We ALL DESERVE to love ourselves, but do not always know how - so here are PROVEN techniques that will help you get there.
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A Virtual Community JUST for YOU
Finally! An online community full of supportive women where you can let your hair down, kick your shoes off, and BE YOURSELF!
This is the corner of the internet where we get to enjoy the company of other women and just be ourselves.
More Info HereAll The Tools You Need To Get Back To That Woman Who Is Full Of Energy & Excitement.
Calling all busy moms and tired nurses! This is a library of workbooks that serve to aid you in stress reduction and burnout prevention in creating a life you LOVE! Step into the vibes of the woman you long to be. The woman who can manage her stress, and step into that life full of energy & excitement.
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